Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The first Times.....

I remember the first day of my school. That was the first time I was going to be all by myself. I remember holding my father’s hand and walking inside the huge compound. I was scared; I didn’t want to be there. My dad always mocks me saying, “Your expressions were similar to someone who feels constipated.” I think that was one time in my life where I didn’t want to be educated. Eventually things fell in place. Today I am a double post graduate and take a lot of pride in saying this. But if, for the first time my dad wouldn’t have held my tiny hands with his stronger ones, I am not sure I would have even thought about writing this post.

So when I think about “the first times” in my life, I have mixed emotions. They make me smile and cry at the same time. I don’t remember what it felt like when I first started to talk, but I surely remember the first time I went on the stage to give a welcome speech. I was two and a half years old. I was supposed to welcome the parents in a school function. I was amazed to see so many people listening to me, all their attention made me feel on cloud #9. I was so excited, that after the speech I started clapping for my own self, self appreciation you see….

I really don’t remember what it felt to be loved for the first time. Come on! I was just a few hours old when my mom would have held me in her arms for the first time. But I surely remember what it felt like when for the first time, I fell in love. The feeling was beyond any word, any expressions. I felt safe, I felt important, I felt this is it; I wouldn’t need anyone apart from the person I love. Soon I realized it’s not all that simple and easy, because there are many conditions applied to it. That was the first time I experienced a heart break.

I really don’t know what it felt like when someone for whom I was important, lost me, but I know the feeling when I lost someone who was dear to me, so dear that my life revolved around that person. When I lose someone close to me, I go in a cocoon and I manage to stay there for a long time. When I am out of that cocoon I tend to be erratic. It’s a little difficult for me to accept and move on.

There were first times, when I cried, when I fell down, when I broke a bone, when I broke a heart , when I loved someone, when I lived for someone else, when I almost lost my life, when I fought with my loved ones, when I behaved like a rebel. But these were the first times when I realized I am alive and these were the first times when I wanted to live, to love, to be what I want to be. These were the first times……


Yamini said...

Wow.. Everyone of us had our first times. But i am sure we wouldn't have thought so much and penned it down so effortlessly as you did.
I personally dwell more on "What if i get one last chance to do this, and that".. see, that's when I read ur post and realise let me think about my first time, instead of my last..and feel good about it..even if it were bad!!

Great post..there is so much to talk and write about this!!

Keep it up :)

Pooja Cornelius said...

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart

dax said...

one word....brilliant....i bet everyone relates to it...n its so raw n straight from the heart that you cant stop reading...