Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lets waste Time

Endless conversations over the phone are what have occupied the top place on the daily routine chart (an absolute waste of time,according to the elders). Ofcourse you need a person at the other end. I have found one such wonderful person, who is so good with words.

A couple of days back over a telephonic conversation me and Yam started discussing about the kind of music we like. To my surprise! Our choices just don’t match. The first shocker and I think, “Should I even continue??”Alright, so I decide to tell her a few of my personal favorites. Second shocker when Yam says, “I hate songs that are loud…”

I decide, she has to like one of the songs or else no more conversations with her and we are strangers again. For the kind of person I am, I am really passionate about music and I like sharing my playlist, because if you have one good song and my friend has another then I have two good songs.

So I decide to tell her why I love a few songs on my playlist. My all time favorite song is Chasing cars by Snow Patrol. A song that starts on a low note and ends really high. Guitars and the drum play out really wild towards the end of the song. I was more than sure Yam will never like it. I played the right trick; I told her why I like the song…. Its this line that makes the song really special, “Lets waste time chasing cars…”

“Imagine a multi storey building, and the terrace of that building, imagine the two of us sitting on the parapet wall of the terrace and when we look down all we can see is flashes of lights of the moving cars…. Lights in all direction, flashy, intense moving lights. I am sure we can spend hours together just looking at the moving chaos isn’t it?”

And I get no reply to the vivid description I give. I know Yam is not convinced and I am just not successful in changing her opinion. But I know someday I will be able to, not to change her opinion but to take her to one such place where we can waste our time chasing cars…..


yamini said...

Thank you!! :)
I mean it!

Pooja Cornelius said...

You don't have to thank me for anything, I mean it too!