Thursday, April 3, 2014

Road Repair in progress,go slow

Oh these summers in Nagpur, makes me so irritable. The temperatures here sores to 48 degrees Celsius. Coolers don’t help, thirst is not quenched merely by drinking water and I don’t feel like moving out during the day. Amidst all this if you are suffering from tooth ache, it is the worst punishment, just like the old ch***se way, to be hung by the thumb. Slowly the entire body weight is managed by that little thumb and the person dies in agony and pain. Tooth ache is very similar to that.

They say an adult has 32 teeth. I have 30 at this moment and the other two are fighting to erupt. God knows why they are wisdom tooth, when by the time they arrive people are totally at loss of wisdom “pun intended”!! So continuing with my ordeal, this Sunday I was sitting in one corner of my room and cursing my fate. Why, why on this holy earth do I need another pair of teeth, when I can manage pretty well with the existing 30? Cutting, tearing, grinding all of it, at times biting too, you know what I mean (sheepish smile). Nobody answered my question, not even the almighty. 

As the day grew longer and never ending so was the pain, long and never ending just like the female ursa. I desperately needed to see the dentist. No tooth pain is cured without visiting a dentist. So I chose to do it the tough way, the doctor’s way. As it was a Sunday no doctor was available so I had to wait for another day to get rid of the pain. That night as I slept I saw this handsome guy, very smartly dressed. His hair was done neatly and he looked so pleasant, I walked with him inside the glass door, he made me comfortable and we started to chat. Suddenly!! The handsome man turned into a giant monster with a mirror and a drilling machine, my mouth wide open and the position was one or two or three in life that lack dignity. Yes you guessed that right I was sitting on a dentist’s chair. My mouth being worked on like cross sections of road. Oh what a terrible sight that was. I woke up with a start to see if there was any concrete in my mouth. Luckily that was just a dream.

I narrated the dream to my mother and she listened like three year old. I was being dramatic with her while narrating it, she got so petrified, and she cancelled her appointment with the dentist (I can take up the profession of a story teller). Anyway, if you are thinking I am still suffering from the pain, then let me give you a good news, finally, like finally I become the wisest in the family with 32 teeth in my mouth and also I am the youngest to have them all (Tada!!)

So if you think it’s going to hurt just a little bit, think twice, because if the apple keeps the doctor away, dreams keep dentist’s bill away!! (wink wink)

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