Monday, July 4, 2011

Musical Car :)

Musical chair was my favorite pass time as a kid. I would request the host of any party to call for a round of musical chair, be it a birthday party or an anniversary I didn’t care. I wanted Musical chair, and I played it till I fainted (Don’t look dumbstruck, I actually fainted, but that was only once!!!).

So why is it today that I remember musical chair? Any guesses? No. I thought as much (Sigh!!!!!). It’s just that today I played a similar game, but it was a little different from what I played when I was a kid. This is called musical car!!! Yes Musical Car, you read that right, don’t rub your eyes now.

So let me explain to you how this game is played. You will need the following:

1.       Bucket
2.       Car shampoo
3.       Water
4.       Scrub
5.       Car polish
6.       I-pod

How to play?

Well, first you need to plug in your i-pod, make sure it has all foot tapping numbers loaded in it, trust me you shall realize the importance of it. Next you need to fill in the bucket with water and add car shampoo to it. Once you see the froth in it, this mixture is ready to make contact with your car. Now, you are ready to play “Musical Car”. Tap your feet move around the car, move swiftly else you might just miss the corners. Move in the clockwise direction else you will be disqualified. When the song stops, rest wherever you are, because by this time you will be drenched in sweat.

No sooner the next song starts, you got to move fast baby, else you shall never reach the end. I told you this will be different from the musical chair we played as kids; here you only need to compete with yourself. The song is playing and you will have to cover the entire area as quickly as possible.

Clean the doors, the glass of the window, the wind shield, the back class, the front view, wipers, with the help of a scrubber, all in one song. Next you need to quickly apply the car polish on your car. By the end of four songs you are done with playing musical car. Your car looks brand new, and you, its time for  you to hit the shower . A game to enjoy , “mehnat ki mehnat, music ka music J


yamini said...

This is something new.. :D i think i should start cleaning my dhanno all by myself now.. this sure is fun!! :D

Pooja Cornelius said...

I am more than sure, its much more than just fun ;)